Plantma-X Plants Seedlings at 3,000 per Hour

2022 has been a very successful year for the newly launched Plantma-X seedling planting machine.

After completing production tests in 2020, the Plantma-X has been employed in the 2021 Swedish planting season and then in the USA from 2021 and 2022. The Plantma-X has now planted seedlings in Alabama, Texas, and Florida as well as throughout Sweden.

We have been hard at work testing the machine in different conditions and the machine has surpassed all expectations. It’s obvious that Plantma X will have a big role to play in the future planting of forests in the US and the world.

The productivity of the Plantma-X varies depending on a number of factors including the distance between seedlings and how fast the machine can travel in the terrain.

While the productivity of the Plantma-X in perfect conditions is around 3,000 seedlings/hour, we are finding that in reality, the production will be between 1,000-2,500 seedlings per hour.

The Plantma-X is made up of:

  • An Eco Log 574 carrier,
  • a planting Unit,
  • a scarifier,
  • a planting cab for the operator.
  • Storage container for the seedlings
  • a crane to switch storage units.

If you’re located in Australia or New Zealand and you’d like more information on the Plantma-X seedling planter get in touch with Scan Forestry & Engineering.