The Log Max E6 head has been developed to meet the demands of eucalyptus harvesting using five delimbing knives to debark the log. Log Max E6 is a brand new head specially developed for Eucalyptus harvesting.
The Log Max E6 head has been developed to meet the demands of eucalyptus harvesting using five delimbing knives to debark the log. Log Max E6 is a brand new head specially developed for Eucalyptus harvesting.
The units have an extra delimbing knife, five in total, to bark the eucalyptus optimally. The bark of eucalyptus is very tough and special to work with. The tree must be barked simultaneously as its harvested, and the five delimbing knives create better conditions for removing all bark.
The head is delivered with delimbing knives that are specially adapted with a profile for working in eucalyptus plantations with trees that have a diameter between 4-26cm.
The head is equipped with feed roller arms whose angle varies depending on the size of the tree. The feed roller arms angle helps lift the tree towards the frame, which makes the barking even better.
Where the length measuring wheel is mounted on other types of Log Max heads, the E6 has a wide debarking wheel.
All movable delimbing knives at the head have replaceable knives edges as the wear is high during the debarking work. The welded ones give the head longer durability and better function throughout its life.
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