The Log Max 12000XT is the extreme duty head for big tree production, multi-stem processing of smaller softwoods or processing crooked hardwoods. This is the most rugged Log Max head and is available in harvester or processor configurations.
The Log Max 12000XT is the extreme duty head for big tree production, multi-stem processing of smaller softwoods or processing crooked hardwoods. This is the most rugged Log Max head and is available in harvester or processor configurations.
The XT heads are built to withstand extreme working conditions such as heat, cold, snow and sand.
Log Max 12000XT is equipped with a top saw. Top saws are primarily used in processing work. Having a saw on both ends of the head makes it easier to work with heavily branched broad-leaved trees, either on a standing tree or one already felled.
Find End is an option that is used primarily when working with felled trees, to find the root end or zero point on the trunk. Find End consists of a laser sensor that is mounted in the bottom of the saw box. It helps the unit to identify the root end without using the saw.
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